Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the Marketplace: The Future of Work

November 29, 2023
November 29, 2023

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of transformation, reshaping industries and revolutionising the job market. It’s been a trending topic from academia to social media, and even in the workplace and job market- which necessitates this article. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, learn from patterns, and automate tasks within seconds has had a profound impact on how businesses operate and the roles of human resources in the workplace. 

In this article, we explore the influence of AI on the job market, the ethical consideration of its usage in the workplace, potential job prospects in an AI-dominated environment and recommendations for individuals and organisations on ways to adapt AI in your process and thrive.

An Overview of the Impact of AI on the Job Market

AI's integration into the job market has really upturned the way we do and  view work resulting in both disruption and innovation in the workplace. Routine and repetitive tasks are increasingly being automated, leading to heightened efficiency and reduced operational costs for businesses. Jobs that involve data analysis, customer service, and manufacturing have experienced significant transformation. For instance, Amazon's extensive use of robots in its fulfilment centres has led to faster order processing and more efficient inventory management. This integration of AI, including robotics, within the operational frameworks of Amazon's fulfilment centres is a great example of the  transformative shift in the job market dynamics. The deployment of robots stands as a testament to the potent amalgamation of AI and the job market,  It has also notably redefined job roles, introducing new positions that necessitate skill sets in robotics maintenance, AI programming, and system oversight. Simultaneously, this technological infusion poses a reconfiguration of existing job roles, redefining the dynamics of warehouse operations.

Furthermore, AI is not limited to just manual tasks; it plays a vital role in decision-making processes as well. Employers are now leveraging AI-powered tools to identify talent, streamline recruitment processes, and optimise workforce management. For instance, companies like IBM are using AI algorithms to assess job applicants and identify the most suitable candidates for specific roles. However, concerns have arisen about the potential for bias in AI algorithms, which could inadvertently perpetuate discrimination in hiring and promotion practices. Amazon's AI-based recruiting tool, for example, was found to favour male candidates, leading to a bias against female applicants which further gives  credence to scepticism in the use of AI in the workplace. While there are benefits of AI in today's world, obvious challenges have also risen due to the use of AI in today's workplace and it begs the question: Can AI really take our jobs? Or is it merely a facilitator of a few processes?

The Benefits and Challenges of Using AI in the Workplace

AI's ability to automate mundane tasks allow human workers to focus on high-value and creative endeavours, thereby boosting overall productivity. A study by McKinsey & Company revealed that automation could potentially increase global labour productivity by 1.4% annually. Secondly, AI-driven data analytics empowers data-based decision-making, leading to more informed and effective choices for businesses. The video on-demand streaming service, Netflix uses AI algorithms to analyse user data and recommend personalised content to its subscribers, resulting in higher user engagement and customer satisfaction. Additionally, AI enables personalised customer experiences, resulting in higher satisfaction and increased customer loyalty. 

However nice the integration of AI is, its implementation in the workplace also presents various challenges. A report by the World Economic Forum estimates that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by AI, but 97 million new jobs may emerge, requiring a shift in workforce skills. This statistic is an indication that job displacement is one of the most pressing concerns that emerges as a result of AI integration.  This transformative shift suggests that once these roles that are considered repetitive and routine are automated, the need for human intervention might diminish significantly.

However, potential job losses due to automation merely scratch the surface of the broader issue. It unveils a deeper concern which is an imminent and apparent skills gap. As roles evolve and technology advances, the job landscape also transforms thereby exposing a disparity in skills amongst job seekers and even employees. The rapid evolution of the job market demands a workforce proficient in newer technologies and innovative techniques. Consequently, the gap between existing skill sets and those demanded by evolving job roles widens, presenting a formidable challenge for both individuals and organizations.

Addressing this existing skills gap is another challenge that organisations must overcome. Integrating AI effectively requires a workforce with the necessary skills to operate and collaborate with AI technologies. 


Photo by Josh Brown on Vaibhav Parashar

Future Job Prospects in an AI-Dominated Job Market

While AI may lead to job displacement, it has the potential to simultaneously create new career opportunities. Roles involving AI development, programming, and AI system maintenance are in high demand. According to a report by Deel, (a global Human Resources startup), the number of AI-related positions hired through Deel increased by 60% between September 2021 and 2023. Also, the number of companies hiring for AI, data science, and systems engineering roles grew by 59%. This highlights the need for prospective job candidates to better train themselves on essential in-demand technical and soft skills and better position themselves in today's world where AI has transformed the way we work and how we work.

It is important to note that positions that require creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex problem-solving are less susceptible to automation as they require heavy human inputs and nuances. Such roles include jobs in arts and design, therapy, and strategy development.

Photo by Ave Tavoukjian on Middle East Economy

Ethical Considerations on the use of AI

As organisations increasingly prioritise upskilling and reskilling programs to prepare their workforce for the future, ethical considerations become paramount. The integration of AI in decision-making processes raises concerns about data privacy, cost, algorithmic bias, and the accountability of automated systems. Addressing these ethical challenges is crucial to fostering a work environment that prioritises transparency and responsible use of technology. 

One significant challenge arises from the substantial expenses associated with large language models, necessitating funding while organizations aim to serve the public interest. Take, for example, the cost of 30 cents for each chat interaction on ChatGPT, indicating that even random inquiries from users with free accounts impose expenses on the organization. 

How then can these organizations manage operational costs while maintaining free services for the public good, all while meeting the financial expectations of investors seeking a profitable venture?

Organisations are tasked with navigating this terrain ethically by devising strategies that sustain operational viability without curtailing accessibility for the public good. Potential solutions could encompass a multi-faceted approach—innovative revenue streams that complement the service's free offerings, implementing fair usage policies, or exploring sponsorship models to defray operational costs while upholding the ethos of accessibility.

Looking at the recent debacle surrounding Open AI, particularly the departure and subsequent comeback of its CEO, Sam Altman. According to the board, Sam was ousted for not being forthwith with communications with the board, while there are no official details of what this means, we can only surmise that the boards decisions were rooted in its ethical framework guiding leadership choices. The repercussions of the boards actions became apparent as it directly influenced both company operations and employee morale. The lack of transparency and clear communications from the board significantly disrupted operations which led to over 50% of the company’s workforce expressing a desire to depart due to uncertainties and a loss of trust in the boards leadership. 

However, an ethical shift in this decision-making process became pivotal. Acknowledging the adverse effects, the board reinstated Sam Altman as CEO, aiming to restore confidence and stability. This episode starkly highlights the indispensable role of ethics in AI company operations.

Moreover, as employees grapple with the fear of job loss due to automation, it's imperative for organisations to implement clear processes and policies. This includes robust change management strategies to navigate resistance and low morale in the workplace. Effective communication and transparency play pivotal roles in addressing these concerns, creating a supportive and adaptive organisational culture that embraces the evolving nature of work.

Additionally, implementing AI ethically is essential to avoid biases and discrimination. Organisations should follow guidelines such as the AI Ethics Guideline developed by the European Commission, which provide principles for trustworthy AI. Redefining job roles to integrate AI technologies effectively will allow employees to focus on higher-value tasks and improve overall organisational efficiency.

Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations to Prepare for Changes in the Job Market

To navigate the evolving job market successfully, individuals are encouraged to embrace lifelong learning and upskilling. Acquiring AI-related skills and knowledge through online courses, workshops, and certifications will enhance employability and future-proof careers. For example, Google offers an AI and Machine Learning Crash Course online, which provides foundational knowledge for individuals to enter the AI job market. Additionally, cultivating soft skills, such as interpersonal abilities, creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, will complement AI technologies and make individuals more valuable in the workplace. These skills are particularly crucial for roles involving human-AI collaboration, where emotional intelligence is essential for effective teamwork.

For organisations, investing in AI training and upskilling programs is crucial to equip employees with the skills needed to work alongside AI technologies effectively. Upskilling the existing workforce can reduce the need for massive layoffs due to automation and create a more skilled and agile workforce. Companies should encourage a culture of innovation and continuous learning, promoting an environment where employees are open to embracing new technologies and methodologies.

What then is the future of your work with the introduction of AI? It is safe to say that the advent of AI and its downsides shouldn’t cause you to worry; rather, leveraging it to serve you  is what you should focus on. Why? Because an important  ethic of creating an  AI is that it  must empower humans. To stay empowered, we as Individuals and organisations must recognize the need to stay ahead of the technological curve, ensuring that we harness skills that will remain relevant and aligned with the evolving demands of the workforce. Not as a matter of survival but a strategic move toward improved productivity and efficiency that will pave the way for innovative solutions to complex challenges and unlock untapped potential across industries. 

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